Station Green – Building An Urban Garden For All

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For many years the land outside Levenshulme South Station building was an eyesore and a bit of a dumping ground.

In 2019 over 50 local people got involved in clearing the site and sowing native wildflower seeds.The results were immediate and improved the soil and biodiversity of the site instantly.

Volunteers Shaping The Space

During this time, a design for the site was co-created with local people with the support of landscape architects Reshaped. 

We managed to secure significant funding from Sport England for the outside land to develop an urban garden to complement the use of the building as a cycle café for everyone to enjoy. 3 years on and the design is now finally coming to life!

After creating a spectacular wildflower meadow on the Station Green site whilst the building restoration was underway, there was a bit of sadness when we brought on the diggers. It was necessary to add in hard surfacing for all the facilities and event spaces. 

A viewing terrace, paths and accessible parking are included and we’re using, where possible, reclaimed and recycled materials. Now thankfully, it’s time to bring back the greenery, colour and create a range of wildlife habitats, and there will be plenty more wildflowers along the embankment in the future too. 

Now We Need Your Help To Create Instant Impact

So now we could use your help to bring the wildlife back and create beautiful planting areas for us all to enjoy and for nature to thrive.

We’ve got a big day of planting lined up and a little bit of learning on the job too if you like to grow wisdom about planting schemes whilst you plant.  Have a look at our community planting day event for more details. Should be a good one (with your help of course!)

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