We’ve Launched A Crowdfunder! – Support Station South Cycle Café

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Our Crowdfunder Is Live!

The Station South Cycle Cafe and Restoration next phase is go!

It feels like we’ve been planning this part of our journey for the longest time but that’s probably just because we’ve been relatively quiet about it, up until now at least – That’s all about to change and we wont stop banging on about it until we hit our target, we hope you forgive us!

We’ve definitely got a few new grey hairs and a some attractive puffy eye action and we expect to be fully fledged silver foxes by the end of it, woo hoo!

So, the next 30 days are going to be really exciting, intense, and totally nerve wracking for us three (Abigail, Mark and Pauline) and for our amazing family and close friends and advocates, who have rallied around us in the background, giving us good advice, letting us off the household chores and telling us when to go to bed!


Our Crowdfunder Page

Here is it, the page of all pages…the future of Levenshulme South Station lies in this link and you clicking on it! Watch our video, laugh at us and please pledge, pledge, pledge.

Station South Restoration and Cycle Café Crowdfunder Link

How You Can Help?

So the next step is getting you, our early supporters and curious future customers to help us in any way you can. Whether you fancy a pledge reward or a donation cause you know it’s going to be good for Levenshulme, and Manchester, we’ll be grateful no matter how big or small. There are lots of other things you can do to help in the next 30 days too, which don’t involve cold hard cash!

Here’s a list of things you can do to support the Station South Cycle Café fix up:

  • Twitter – This is apparently really good for getting a wider audience to hear about what we’re doing. A retweet is like a mini gold bullion.
  • Facebook – This is where the most locally based people are in our networks, so share with your pals on your personal pages.
  • Facebook Groups – If you’re a regular on any private or public local groups and feel happy to share because it’s relevant. Go for it!
  • Love our Instagram/Twitter/Facebook posts.
  • We have a physical toolkit of posters (multilingual ones too) so if you’re local and can help put them in your local school, church, shop house window, drop us an email here
  • Gossip – Talk to people, tell everyone you know – know any big wigs at the local zine? We’ll happily fill their pages!

Here’s a wheel of the types of lovely people, groups (and dogs) we think would like our project…the wheel is not exclusive…

All or Nothing

We hope we’ve done enough planning, preparation, research to set about achieving our ambitious target figure of £50K, which is all or nothing…eek! We have mad faith in the people around us in Levenshulme, in South Manchester and in Stockport who have showed us lots of good will so far.

We’re really pleased that the initial support we’ve received from the wider (and ever growing) cycling community has been there to prop us up over the past couple of months since we revealed our plans. They have made us believe we can make a destination cycle café for Manchester possible in the centre of Levenshulme! Dream the dream.

So now we leave it up to you to help spread the news that our crowdfunder is live and hopefully we’ll be ‘on track’ for success with our campaign.


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